Mahatma Gandhi: A Life Dedicated to Freedom and Equality

1. Mahatma Gandhi Biography:

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, affectionately known as Mahatma (“Great Soul”), was a preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement and a pioneer of non-violent civil disobedience. His philosophy of Satyagraha, based on truth and non-violence, inspired millions across the globe and continues to influence social justice movements today.

2. Mahatma Gandhi Nationality & Age:

  • Nationality: Indian
  • Date of Birth: October 2, 1869
  • Date of Death: January 30, 1948 (aged 78)

3. Mahatma Gandhi Education and Schooling:

  • Studied at Porbandar, Rajkot, and Bhavnagar in India.
  • Completed law studies at Inner Temple, London, England.

4. Mahatma Gandhi Relationship and Personal Life:

  • Married Kasturba Kapadia in 1883.
  • Had four sons: Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas.
  • Emphasized self-discipline, simplicity, and social equality in his personal life.

5. Mahatma Gandhi Career Beginnings:

  • Practiced law in South Africa (1893-1914), where he faced racial discrimination firsthand and began developing his principles of non-violent resistance.
  • Led campaigns against segregation and discriminatory laws in South Africa.

6. Mahatma Gandhi Career and Contributions:

  • Returned to India in 1915 and joined the Indian National Congress.
  • Launched nationwide non-violent protests against British rule, including the Salt March (1930) and the Quit India Movement (1942).
  • Advocated for social reforms, including the upliftment of untouchables and improved conditions for women.
  • Played a key role in achieving India’s independence in 1947.

7. Mahatma Gandhi Achievements and Awards:

  • Nobel Peace Prize nomination in 1939 (not awarded due to World War II).
  • Honored with the title of Mahatma by the people of India.
  • Remembered as the “Father of India” for his leadership in the independence movement.

8. Mahatma Gandhi Conclusion and Legacy:

Mahatma Gandhi’s life and work continue to inspire individuals and movements worldwide. His legacy of non-violent resistance has served as a model for countless struggles for freedom, equality, and justice. His message of peace and truth remains relevant and powerful in today’s world.

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